(Note: Changes from original are in red)
To bring equality and empowerment to men through laws and education. We recognize no man is perfect. The movement is neutral on personal political or religious convictions, they are not to be used as reason for arguments for or against mens rights. Personal religious or political convictions may drive us to do better in the movement and do not contradict the previous statement. We are speaking for all men regardless of any physical or mental state of being as not to exclude anyone. Leadership is universal and there are humanistic and structural elements that are critical to the success of how to lead others. Ignoring the gender element in that dichotomy is losing a valuable portion of our humanity and sometimes the key to breaking through as a leader and cannot be ignored for empowerment of others. Programs that assist men in becoming the best they can offer society benefits everyone. An example of inequity is the U.N. Division for the Advancement of Women that has the ultimate purpose of making sure they get better treatment. However, there are no U.N. offices for men even though men make up a significant amount of deaths from suicide and work. If sex trafficking and working should be an exclusive dominant calling card for equal rights according to the U.N. for women, they need to also make one for men that are the providers for most of the families around the world as well.
The use of reason is important and should be the ultimate pillar in men's rights. As we are well aware that not everything would be solved just by logical deduction alone, what can't be decided should be assisted on the basis of ethics. It may not offer the right solution all the time, every time, but sometimes the process will have to go on forever. What we cannot accept is arguments that cannot be proven just for the sake of winning an argument. For example, feminists often say that a lot of rape cases go unreported because of fear. While that might be true, there is no reliable data to support such a falsifiable claim. Unfortunately, many people use these ad hominem arguments, we won't because we are better. We have to recognize the difference between ability and rights for men. While our abilities may be different depending on the individual, we should all be equal in our rights. We also will make sure that the person perpetuating such a weak argument known when made. Fear of the unknown and intimidation is not the way to get people to follow the movement. Chauvinism is not the way to win the hearts and minds of others. It's also disingenuous for the cause or recognizing the humanity and equality in rights for all. As we are all human, we will not disallow anyone that wishes to assist with the movement. We will not support any organizations that, specifically or by design, discriminate against others on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, alliance to political parties, ect. A perfect example is the Pink Ribbon Campaign that only addresses issues about breast cancer and encourages the government to only give assistance to women for the medical condition. Cancer is one of the leading diseases which is the leading cause of death in the United States and there is little success in defeating. A donation or support for an organization like the American Cancer Association is preferable to any Pink Ribbon Campaign.
A list of goals
-Abolish Alimony
-Abolish compulsory circumcision of minors
-Change the status of men as useless disposable people.
-Change the inequity of divorce recipients who receive large sums of money. It's a 18th century idea of protecting a woman by means of financial support for a time when adult women in a 21st century society doesn't make sense.
-Change the status of rape being more serious than sexual assault, women get less of a sentence for virtually the same crime with less punishment, this is unacceptable.
-Change the treatment of male prisoners that receive less time to visit their children or family compared to their female counterparts
-Change the status of women being excluded from the draft, it benefits us to bring them on board
-Enact a federal law that gives protection from discrimination based on sexual preference
-Educate boys and men on how to become better members of society
-Expose paternity fraud, have laws and efforts to block DNA confirmation for child support removed
-Expose chauvinism for what it is whenever it rears it's ugly head
-Domestic violence laws and hate crime laws need to be eliminated as redundant and sexist, we already have laws against assault and battery, violence = violence
-Title 4D needs to be eliminated from the federal funding program
-Violence Against Women's Act needs to be eliminated
-Enact laws for prostitution to be legal, repeal old anti prostitution laws
-The draft, get women in the draft or just abolish it completely
-Capital Punishment, a more international issue rather than national, the way men are executed are treated differently based on gender.
Monday, August 2, 2010
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